About Candli

Copyright 2018-2024 Enlightware GmbH, Rotbuchstrasse 60, 8037 Zürich, UID: CHE-400.095.273.
All rights reserved.

Candli combines traditional art creation with visual programming in a unique way. With Candli, you can scan your own drawings and pictures, and with a handful of visual rules, assemble them into a fully-functional video game. Then, in one click, you can share it online with your friends. No prior training needed!

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Limitations in alpha

The current version has the following known limitations:

No guarantees

This is an early version of the product, use at your own risks. In particular, we make no guarantees regarding:

Meet the core team
Stephane's avatar
Stéphane Magnenat
lead, concept, UI, client programming
Hannes's avatar
Hannes Sommer
concept, server programming
Violaine's avatar
Violaine Fayolle
UI, graphics
Chris's avatar
Chris Solarski
game design, UX

Full credits

Privacy policy

We only collect data to run the service and make it convenient to you, to investigate problems and fix bugs, and to detect and alleviate violations of terms of service and law. We do not sell your data or show advertisement.

Legally-binding Privacy Policy detailed text.

Terms of Service

Please use the service responsibly, e.g. do not publish offensive content, we can always block content or cancel accounts if do not use the service responsibly. You own the content you post, but you allow us to show it to others. We do our best to make Candli work nicely, but problems might happen.

Legally-binding Terms of Service detailed text.

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