Candli community forum

Data loss after login session expiry

When the app is left open for long enough, the login session will expire, and the local storage will give a vague illusion that some things are still saved and functional, yet nothing will be persisted in the backend and therefore all work is effecitvely lost. Reloading, logging in again, or just going pback to the game selection screen will cause the loss to become apparent, but will not force you to log in again either, meaning that whatever is done after that will be lost… again.
It would be nice if the app detected expiry of login and just prompted for a quick relogin and continued working.
Otherwise very educational game. I love to create games for my friends

Dear Henri,

Thank you for reporting this issue. It is a serious problem indeed. We will investigate the issue and deploy a correction as soon as possible. Once that is done, we will inform you here. We are very sorry for any lost work.

Another question regarding the condition of the appearance of that problem. Between the time saving worked, and the time it did not any more, did any of these two events happen:

  • The computer went to sleep?
  • The internet connection was interrupted?

Thank you for helping us to make Candli more robust :slight_smile:

  • The computer went to sleep?
    This happened after the computer slept overnight

  • The internet connection was interrupted?
    It was interrupted when the computer was in sleep mode

Thanks for all the help, its great !

Hello Helger,

This problem should now be corrected, and Candli support offline creation of games. Please note that multiple editing from a user logged in two different computers at the same time is not yet support.

We wish you a lot of fun with Candli!