Candli community forum

Keyboard shortcuts

While Candli is designed to work well on mobile devices, even phones, we do not forget desktop users. Therefore, Candli provides a bunch of mouse and keyboard shortcuts:

While playing game

Keyboard (main area)

  • Arrow keys: select the corresponding direction
  • a/b/x/y keys: select the corresponding button
  • Space: button a
  • Ctrl: button b

Keyboard (numpad)

  • 8/2/4/6 keys: select the corresponding direction
  • ./Enter/0/3 keys: select the corresponding button (a/b/x/y)

Level editor

There are mainly two cases, whether an object is selected or not:

No object selected

  • Esc: exit the level editor
  • Arrow keys: scroll the view
  • +/- keys: scale the view
  • Home or a: zoom fit the scene in the view
  • s: reset the scale factor of the view
  • n: select the first object

Object selected

  • Enter: open the VPL editor
  • Esc: unselect the object
  • Delete: remove the object
  • Arrow keys: move the object
  • +/- keys: scale the object
  • PageUp/PageDown: change the z-order of the object
  • c: clone the object on spot
  • r: reset the rotation angle to 0.0
  • s: reset the scale factor to 1.0
  • Home or a: zoom fit the selected object
  • n: select next object

Object selected, when dragging the mouse

  • Shift + mouse left axis: rotate the object
  • Ctrl + mouse left axis: scale the object
  • mouse wheel: scale the object by steps of ~20%
  • mouse wheel + Shift: rotate the object by steps of 15 degrees

In any state

  • g: opens the interaction map screen

Block editors

  • Esc: return to the previous screen

Input block

  • Arrow keys: select the corresponding direction
  • a/b/x/y keys: select the corresponding button

Speed block

  • Arrow keys: select the corresponding direction
  • Keys from 1 to 5: set motion magnitude