Candli community forum

Tasks for the students

I’m collecting some ideas for tasks, i could give to the students as a challenge. For example new mechanics which they could implement in their game. These tasks should have different ways to be solved and not a step by step instruction. And the tasks should be a motivation to try new machanics and find new ideas. This might help for a longtime motivation.
I startet creating it on and i will continue to add more tasks. At the moment it is only the link for a class. I’d like to publish it, wenn there are enough tasks and the quality is good enough.
If someone else has more ideas, i’m happy to hear of them. Or if you have suggestions to improve them.


Thank you for sharing your work here!

I have been giving it some thoughts, and here are some patterns that might be interesting for the students:

  • State machine, e.g., back and forth of a platform. That is relatively easy now with the named animations and the “animation playing” condition.
  • Continuous object creation, for example bubble generation for a diver.
  • Practicing the negation of a condition, the typical example is the road one when the player looses when the vehicle is outside the track. But in general it is interesting to explore the negation.
  • Practicing relative velocity, for example with a rocket, a spaceship, a hovercraft, etc.

Also, I am very interested if you have some thoughts about how Candli could support you more in creating these challenges for students, for example by having a way to create them within Candli.