Candli community forum

Turn of full screen?

Can I stop full screen completely? (not only once, forever)
Candli always turns on full screen, which isn’t usefull on the I-Pad. There is a cross at the top left corner to turn of full screen. This cross is at the same position as the arrow to go back. So, programming isn’t possible in full screen.
And the I-Pad often shows a warning sign when playing the game in full screen (security issue).


You can disable full screen in the settings section, by clicking on the top button “Exit Fullscreen” while in full screen mode.

However, I am surprised that Candli goes into full screen on iPads, as normally on Safari full screen mode is disabled. Could you tell me the model of iPad you are using, and the version of the operating system?

kind regards,

Stéphane Magnenat

iPadOS Version 16.4.1
iPad 8. Generation MYLD2TY/A

Thank you, we’ll investigate in the coming days.

I have updated our tablet and I confirm that I can reproduce this bug. We are looking into it.

kind regards,

The bug is now corrected, please reload the page.

thx, for fixing it :slight_smile: